The great Greek philosopher Aristotle proclaimed, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Therefore, we practice like we play as often as possible using the same equipment we use on game day.
SSPT spares no expense with its training tools. We have the identical equipment that our powerlifters use in competition. Our members and guests have access to some of the best equipment in the world, including, but not limited to: USAPL and IPF approved powerlifting competition bars and calibrated steel kilo plates, an array of bumper plates, lever-adjustable ER Racks, and much more. Scroll down for the full equipment list.

(1) Eleiko Powerlifting Bar (20kg)
(2) Rogue Ohio Power Bars (45lbs)
(1) Rogue Ohio Power Bar (20kg)
(1) Texas Deadlift Bar (20kg)
(1) Texas Squat Bar (25kg)
(1) York Power Bar (45lbs)
(1) York women’s weightlifting bar (15kg)
(1) Kabuki Strength Transformer Bar
(1) Kabuki Strength Trap Deadlift Bar
(1) Rogue EZ Curl Bar
(1) Rogue Multi-grip Swiss Bar
(2) pair Titex Collars (2.5kg each)
Rogue bumper plates (140kg)
Rogue calibrated steel plates (1,025.5kg)
(2) ER Racks (lever-adjustable) for SQ & BP
(1) Rogue Adjustable Bench
(1) Rogue Monster Lat Pulldown/Low Row
(1) Rogue RH-2 Reverse Hyper
(1) Rogue Rhino Belt Squat
(1) Rogue RM-6 Monster Power Rack
(1) EliteFTS Chest Supported Row
(1) EliteFTS Collegiate Glute Ham Raise
(1) EliteFTS Strength Leg Press
(1) Concept II Rowing Ergometer
(1) Pulling sled with harnesses
(1) Rogue Dog Sled
(1) pair West Cary Barbell Farmer’s Walk Handles
We also carry the following training accessories: Landmine, Jump Stretch Bands, chains, boards for board pressing, BenchBlokz, Iron Mind pulling harness, jump ropes, ab wheel, a variety of medicine balls, pulldown ab strap, plyometric boxes of various heights, Kleva Built Genesis Jack Pro, Kleva Built Genesis Jack 2.0, Serpa Deadlift Jack, (2) RepOne Bar Speeds Analyzers, Back Widow cable attachment, dumbbells up to 75-pounds, kettlebells up to 24kg, and more.